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Ignition Timing - Primary, Decel, and Startup

For more information on the basics of Ignition Timing and Detonation, see: Ignition Timing and Knock Control.


Acceleration (or "Primary")

This target is active when the accelerator pedal is depressed, or otherwise when conditions are met for the parameter.png Ignition - Accel. Dynamics - Decel Active (⚑, ubyte) parameter to be zero.

This ignition timing target and its associated tables and parameters are sorted under the Ignition - Primary folder and are comprised of four key base tables:


    table.png Ignition - Primary - TGVs Closed (AVCS Disabled)
  • table.png Ignition - Primary - TGVs Closed (AVCS Enabled)
  • table.png Ignition - Primary - TGVs Open (AVCS Disabled)
  • table.png Ignition - Primary - TGVs Open (AVCS Enabled)

These four tables are first blended based on the corresponding blending values of parameter.png Engine - AVCS Map Ratio (﹪, ubyte) and theparameter.png Engine - TGV Map Ratio (﹪, ubyte). The resulting base value can be monitored using the parameter.png Ignition - Primary - Base Table (°, sbyte) parameter.

Then, a Dynamic Advance value is calculated using the parameter.png Knock Control - Dynamic Advance Multiplier (ubyte), commonly referred to as "DAM". This DAM value ranges from 0.00 to 1.00 and acts as a multiplier to the base dynamic advance table value. This base dynamic advance value is found by using the two primary base tables that are themselves blended using the TGV Map Ratio:

  • table.png Ignition - Primary - Advance - TGVs Closed (Base)
  • table.png Ignition - Primary - Advance - TGVs Open (Base)

The resulting blended, base value can be monitored using the parameter.png Ignition - Primary - Advance - Table (°, ubyte) parameter. This value is summed with the parameter.png Ignition - Primary - Base Table (°, sbyte) to produce a primary base target value.

Deceleration (or "Decel")

This target is active when the accelerator pedal is depressed, or otherwise when conditions are met for the parameter.png Ignition - Accel. Dynamics - Decel Active (⚑, ubyte) parameter to be one.


Control Systems

Accelerator Dynamics

Accelerator Dynamics is the control system that blends the Primary Ignition and Decel Ignition targets.

