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Ignition Timing - Primary, Decel, and Startup

For more information on the basics of Ignition Timing and Detonation, see: Ignition Timing and Knock Control.


Acceleration (or "Primary")

This target is active when the accelerator pedal is depressed, or otherwise when conditions are met for the Ignition - Accel. Dynamics - Decel Active (⚑, ubyte) parameter to be zero.

This ignition timing target and its associated tables and parameters are sorted under the Ignition - Primary folder and are comprised of four key base tables:

  • Ignition - Primary - TGVs Closed (AVCS Disabled)
  • Ignition - Primary - TGVs Closed (AVCS Enabled)
  • Ignition - Primary - TGVs Open (AVCS Disabled)
  • Ignition - Primary - TGVs Open (AVCS Enabled)


Deceleration (or "Decel")




Control Systems

Accelerator Dynamics

Accelerator Dynamics is the control system that blends the Primary Ignition and Decel Ignition targets.






